I will be the first person to hold up my hands and say “I love blush,” but my first love is really black. So anytime I get to shake things up a bit and incorporate these colors in a fresh, new way, is exciting. Check out how by adding a pop of mint to the mix, we created a sophisticated party palette!
What a little cutie pie!!! Recreating the Shopkins "Lippy Lips" character out of cake was so much fun. Such a tall, narrow cake took a bit of planning but the finished piece (at almost two feet tall) was totally worth the effort. We made sure to find some extra tall candles that looked great next to the giant lipstick, and what better way to line them up ready for the birthday girl's wish, than in little custom-made cupcake candle holders. Happy Birthday Emina!
Cake, royalty, and that extra wow-factor. That is how we helped this mother-to-be welcome Baby Zay into the world… we just happen to think it couldn't be any more perfect than that. Unless of course, you add in a dozen royal cupcakes as well. Congratulations on your new arrival, may he be as sweet as this cake ;-)
EDIT: A tutorial is available on how to create this edible royal crown.
Meet Harry the Bunny, the edible cake topper. Question...why make him edible when he's too cute to eat?!
The ever-charismatic Sebastian, surprises Ariel with a pile of prettily-wrapped gifts in this Little Mermaid-inspired birthday cake. Classic white cake with vanilla buttercream, and of course, a matching set of vanilla swirl cupcakes, each with a beach themed topper to go along with it. I'm not sure what I love more, Sebastian or the cute, little gifts!
We know that you are fabulous, but let the glam spill over into your cupcakes and you'll be sure to leave a lasting impression with your guests. These custom little beauties are dressed in dazzling gold details and accessorized with pearls of the edible variety. Add in swirls of french vanilla buttercream and you're in cupcake heaven.
Perfectly tailored in pink pinstripes and embossed with a fleur-de-lis suitable for french royalty, this cupcake set is rocking the pink glam to the next level—an absolute must for any high-fashion bridal shower or event!
As you can image, I had way too much fun making this Sesame Street-themed birthday cake for Amir—it's practically a party on a plate! Balloons, cake, cupcakes, cookies and bright, cheerful colors—it had everything. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the cute, little, edible Elmo cake topper. This little guy was just ready and waiting to make his wish. Vanilla and raspberry buttercream cake complete with a matching set of cupcakes filled with a raspberry swirl center.
This year, summer's most requested birthday party theme is all about the snow and ice!! Yes...that's right, this week's cake is a Frozen-themed masterpiece, complete with edible cake toppers. I'm not denying the fact that I watched the movie several times (purely for inspirational purposes lol). As a result, "Let it Go" is now firmly stuck in my head. Again, not complaining, because I think I love Frozen just as much as the birthday girl herself! Once again, Happy Birthday Kenadie!
For this cake, I took inspiration from the season and designed a Towering Cake of Christmasness (and yes, that is a word I just invented). For a modern look, I used a duck egg blue in place of the traditional green, and brought in stunning details like the hand-crafted, edible baubles and a flawless candy cane stripe. And what's not to love about glitter and gold and crispy, white snow?! Standing over two feet, this cake had sixteen layers of moist carrot and red velvet cake. Cream cheese filling anyone?!!